January 10, 2025 pm update:
All 3 groomers are now on their regular schedules. Trail 111 to OS61 will be checked by Saturday.
⚠️Be aware that a section of Trail 111 (Hurricane Road) behind Norton Pond will be plowed for logging in Bill Sladyk WMA. ⚠️
🛑Trail 142 from EX211 to EX212 is still closed due to logging. Access from Head of the Pond Rd to EX211 is open for local use only. The gate is shut across from Atwood Dr. No grooming.
No access in or out of Island Pond Village from Trail 2001. Drift Dusters' Trail 2001 from EX242 (by Irving) to 10 Mile Square Rd is CLOSED! To get to Island Pond from Trail 2001, you must go either Trail 2001c at OS75 to EX243 Trail 111 or come in from OS61 to Trail 111. Plan accordingly.
The VAST App is not correct at this time for that small portion of the trail.
Please be patient with the VAST Map APP. There are known challenges with the groomer GPS units not tracking online.
A BIG Thank you to our generous landowners, groomers, volunteers, business for trails sponsors, and club members! We could not do anything without your support!
Parking is available at Kingdom Market and VAST lot on Lakeshore Dr./State Beach.
Check with our neighboring clubs on the fb pages at Canaan Border Riders
Connecticut Valley Sno-Riders Lunenburg Polar Bears Snowmobile Club
Northeast Kingdom Snow Blasters
Moose River Rock Dodgers Newark E-Z Riders Snowmobile Club
Drift Dusters Snowmobile Club
Orleans Snowstormers
No Access from EX211 to EX213 Trail 142 temporarily closed!
The online VAST app is our current conditions.
We have no trails on water and the ice is not safe especially along the shoreline.
Please check neighboring clubs for their trail status information.
Parking is available at Kingdom Market and Lakeshore Drive VAST lot.
Non-Ethanol fuel is available at Kingdom Market (follow signs by pavallion) and Brighton Garage Inc. .
24/7 fuel is available at Island Pond Country Market & Deli Formerly Express Mart Irving.
Watch for groomer activity, water bars and hazards.
Thank you to our gracious Landowners, Business for Trails Sponsors, club volunteers, club members, local businesses and local community who support snowmobiling here in the NEK! Much appreciated.